FAHS and the Career and College Promise Program
What is Career and College Promise?
The purpose of Career and College Promise is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to dually enroll in community college courses that provide pathways that lead to a certificate, diploma, degree, or State/Industry recognized credentials as well as provide entry level job skills—tuition free!
Through Career and College Promise (CCP), qualified students in North Carolina have the opportunity to pursue classes at community colleges tuition free while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jump start on their workplace and college preparation. Franklin Academy Charter High School will support high school students who wish to enroll in an appropriate college course or a combination of college courses outside FAHS for high school credit.
CCP provides pathways to help advance eligible students' success beyond high school:
- College Transfer Pathways provide tuition-free course credits toward the Associates In Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Fine Arts, Associate in Engineering or Associate Degree in Nursing which will transfer seamlessly to any public or participating private college or university. Please note that students may not have enough time to FINISH their associates but will receive credits TOWARDS their associates.
- Technical Careers Pathways earn tuition-free course credits at an NC community college toward a job credential, certificate or diploma in a technical career.
Who is eligible for the CCP Program?
- Students interested in the College Transfer pathway have the option to qualify for the program with either
- An unweighted 2.8 high school GPA OR
- A Qualifying Assessment scores
- Students interested in the Technical Careers pathway have the option to qualify for the program with either
- An unweighted 2.8 high school GPA OR
- A Qualifying Assessment score OR
- A recommendation including the High school principal (or designee) signature, a rational of the HS principal (or designee) for the recommendation AND a signature from the college’s chief academic officer/chief student development officer.
What is considered a Qualifying Assessment Score?
I’m Eligible but is CCP Right for Me?
Dual enrollment can be an amazing opportunity… if your student is ready for it.
Your student might be ready for dual credit if they:
- Work independently and unprompted to complete coursework and assignments
- Are able to complete all assignments on time
- Do not require extensive content tutoring or study help
- Are confident and capable of approaching instructors independently to seek guidance and support when needed
- Excel with their current high school topics
- Have a schedule that is flexible without extensive commitments
- Do not have extracurricular activities which demand a large amount of energy or focus
- Are comfortable interacting with people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds
- Are comfortable communicating and advocating for themselves in a classroom setting
- Are focused heavily on their scholastic goals
Your student is probably not ready for dual credit if they:
- Must be prompted to do homework well or complete it on time
- Depend on tutoring or study help
- Struggle with their current high school topics and content as well as workload
- Have a full schedule
- Have extracurricular activities which demand a large amount of energy or focus
- Are uncomfortable interacting with a wide range of ages and backgrounds
- Rely heavily on parental/external support to approach instructors when needed
- Parents Please Note: Due to FERPA, should your student participate in the CCP program, the instructors and Wake Tech staff will not be legally permitted to discuss your student's grades or progress in class without your students' expressed permission.
- Fear communicating and advocating for themselves in a classroom setting
- Have non-scholastic goals that they want to complete B.C. (before college, that is)
I Want to Pursue CCP…What Do I Do Next?
- Step #1: Explore the CCP Website of the Community College of interest to you!
- Click HERE to learn more about Nash Community College's CCP Opportunities
- Click HERE to learn more about Vance-Granville Community College's CCP Opportunities
- Click HERE to learn more about Wake Tech Community College's CCP Opportunities
- Step #2: Attend an FA Dual Enrollment Information Events
- Reach out to your academic counselor if meeting dates for this year have not yet been released.
- Step #3: Decide on the pathway you want to pursue at the Community College of interest to you
- Step #4: Decide on the program you want to pursue at the Community College of interest to you
- Step #5: Meet with your academic counselor to review your options and create a tentative CCP Course Plan
- Step #6: Research the Community College requirements and KNOW THEIR TIMELINE for applying!
- Step #7: Parents AND Student attend ONE CCP information meeting for the Community College of interest to you
- Please note that this is a REQUIREMENT for program participation
- Proof of attendance will be required by FAHS for Principal sign-off
- Step #8: Submit all required documents in accordance with the established guidelines for your chosen institution and await their decision
What Happens Once I’m Accepted?
- Make an appointment to meet with your academic counselor to decide on your finalized course plan for both high school and the Community College you've selected
- This step is REQUIRED to allow for Community College course registration
- Attend an Orientation Session at the Community College you've applied to based upon your CCP start date
- Complete a request for Early Release form if needed
- Have your course plan approved by FA Administration
Consideration Criteria for CCP Placement for 9th and 10th Grade Students
Students who wish to apply for placement in CCP during their 9th or 10th grade year must be identified as academically or intellectually gifted in English, Reading AND Math on BOTH an aptitude AND an achievement test as evidenced by a score report provided to FAHS administration with scores in the range between the 92nd percentile and the 99th percentile taken out of the State approved tests listed below:
Approved Tests of Achievement
Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form
Academic Achievement Battery Screening Form
Canadian Achievement Tests
Diagnostic Achievement Battery—Fourth Edition
Diagnostic Achievement Battery—Intermediate
GED Test
iReady K-12 Diagnostic and K-8 Instruction
Iowa Assessments, Forms E and F
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement
Woodcock-Johnson IV
Approved Tests of Aptitude
Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7
Cognitive Assessment of Young Children
Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence—Second Edition
Cornell Critical Thinking Tests, Fifth Edition
Leiter International Performance Scale—Third Edition
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test—Second Edition
Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test
Test of General Reasoning Ability
Universal Multidimensional Scale for Children—Fifth Edition
Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children—5th Edition
Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children—5th Edition Integrated
In addition to showing proof of giftedness as explained above, the following criteria must also be demonstrated by 9th/10th grade students applying for CCP placement in accordance with State requirements:
- Be a high school freshman or sophomore; AND
- Demonstrate college readiness in English, Reading and Math by meeting benchmarks on diagnostic assessment tests which include the PSAT, Pre-ACT, ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, RISE Placement Test or NCDAP; AND
- Have the recommendation of the high school principal or equivalent administrator and his/her rationale for recommendation verifying the student’s maturity to justify admission to the community college and have the recommendation of the community college president; AND
- Have written consent of the student’s parent or guardian granting permission for the student to participate in CCP; AND
- Students must participate in academic advising focusing on the implications of being admitted to college early with representatives of the high school and the community college prior to enrollment in the CCP Program.
Please note: 9th and 10th grade participation in CCP will ultimately require approval by school administration and documentation will be required to facilitate such approvals. Thank you in advance for your understanding.