Transcript Request

Request an Official Transcript:

CFNC Transcript Manager

Many schools in North Carolina will allow you to send the transcript yourself using the Transcript Manager Tool on the CFNC website. You MUST have a complete profile entered in CFNC, including your NCWise student number and valid email, for this to work! Contact your academic counselor for your number.


In addition to the Common Application process, there are other means for sending transcripts electronically that we are able to use at Franklin Academy. You may see this particular option as you complete online applications – not all schools accept records in this manner. It is handy and secure to use SendEDU, just make sure that your academic counselor’s contact information is entered correctly, and then please send her an email to expect the request just as a back up. 

Paper Transcript Request

Hard copies of the transcript request are available in academic counselors’ office.